Act 3: José Noguero Scenographies

Act 3: José Noguero


21.02.2008 - 18.04.2008

There is also an installation called Scenography that contains a small trash bag with the remains of an action performed by Noguero at the Fundació Suñol. The artist created a sitting human figure that he destroyed afterwards.

The process was photographed and the remains of the figure kept in plastic bags as a symbol of destruction and ephemeral presence, but also as a rebirth: of what can be destroyed to create a new configuration.

José Noguero was born in Barbastro, Huesca, in 1969. He studied at the Escola Massana, Barcelona (1985-1992), Bristol Polytechnic (1989) and the Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam (1991). He did a research stage in Rome and Naples in 1993, and more recently spent time at the Lingaraj Maharana Hindu sculpture studio in Orissa, India, 2005. His most recent individual exhibitions include “Desde Orissa”, SEA-Alicante, 2006, and “Vastu”, CAC, Malaga, 2005. He has exhibited at Galería Luis Adelantado, Valencia (2002, 1998, 1996), Gallery Camargo Vilaça, São Paulo, 2002, the Diputación de Huesca, (1996, 2002) and Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona, 1993, amongst others. His work can be found in the collections of CDAN, Huesca, CAC, Malaga, MNCARS, Madrid, ARTIUM, Vitoria, the Fundación Coca-Cola, Madrid, and Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB).

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