Italia I sei sensi (The Six Senses)


I sei sensi (The Six Senses)

22.01.2015 - 09.01.2016

The exhibition follows a brief chronological structure, starting with Futurism as one of the first avant-gardes, followed by Informalism, conceptual art and the Italian Transavantgarde. Alongside Balla and Boetti, there is also work by Novelli, Longobardi, Consagra, Fontana, Staccioli, Perilli, Battaglia, Griffa and Spagnulo—a wide range of innovative formal approaches that represent the main trends in 20th-century art.

Its title is taken from one of the series produced by Alighiero Boetti throughout the 1970s: I sei sensi. Boetti stressed the importance of reason (pensare) in his art work and saw thought as a sensitive being in art.

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