Sessions around the exhibition Camins Encontrats Lecture 2. Information network

Sessions around the exhibition Camins Encontrats

Lecture 2. Information network

10.01.2017, 18:30

In addition to the attached program that specifies the topics to be discussed, additional information about these topics is available to those interested. The main aim of the organizers of the project Camins encontrats is that the classroom becomes a vital space to deepen and reflect critically on the contents and objectives on display.


Aula 2 — Art, image production and collecting
Round table with:
Josep M. Català — Professor of Image Theory at UAB
Lis Costa — creator of Summa archive and codirector of Habitual Video Team
Antoni Mercader — conductor and moderator

In a context marked by the creation without borders, geographical and cultural origins that are multiple and simultaneous, the changes on the rendering mode, the willing to deal with undefined authorship, the postmedia condition and the digital challenge, the global screen and the iconic contamination, we will review the institutional representation systems, we will discuss the new visual culture emerged from the aggregation of contamination and hibridation, and we will talk about the need to renew the idea of collecting.
