Zush in Ibiza Olfactory itinerary

Zush in Ibiza

Olfactory itinerary

11.05.2023, 18:30

The Fundación Ernesto Ventós is a family project whose mission is to teach smell through art, where the collector’s social commitment becomes a reality; while disseminating contemporary art collections.

colección olorVISUAL is much more than a compilation of artworks of a certain style from a particular period. It is a collection built around the sense of smell as its primary focus of interest. As its architect, Ernesto Ventós, said in this regard: ‘My collection describes the smells that surround me’.

Date and hour

Thursday May 11 at 6:30 p.m.


Fundació Suñol


€4.00 (payment in cash or by credit card on the same day of the visit)


Tots els públics

More info


Visit in Spanish.

It is essential to reserve via the web, telephone (934 961 032) or e-mail (info@fundaciosunol.org).

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