Act 23: Ricardo Trigo Easy. Complicating speech, without the or a

Act 23: Ricardo Trigo

Easy. Complicating speech, without the or a

09.05.2012 - 23.06.2012

The artist plays with relationships of control: the control exercised by the image over the artist himself – conditioning him –, the control that the text exerts over the image – altering it – and the artist’s control over the audience – as the author-manipulator of the content. With his work, Trigo questions the correspondence between things and their names – the foundation for what he calls “the game of art” – through strategies that catch the spectator off guard, like the unexpected appearance of abstract shapes amid apparently rational images.

It includes the video Com un llum! [Round the bend], winner of the 4th grant awarded by Can Xalant in Mataró and the Fundació Suñol, intended to fund the production and exhibition of a video project.

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